influencers and travel marketers

The Love Affair Between Influencers and Travel Brands: A “How To” Marketing Guide

Influencing travel through content. It’s a construct that’s been around for much longer than you think. From its 19th century “humble brag” roots in photography, to the tourism marketing titan it’s now become, travel influencing attracts doe eyes from the well traveled, inspired, and pretty much everyone in between.  And for good reason! When you look at the partnership between …

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santa skydiving

Wanna Market to the Elevated Traveler? Start with Being Present

The tourism landscape is jingling all the way into 2024! And at the center of this festive transformation is.. you guessed it. The “evelated traveler.” You guys, this new breed of tourists isn’t just making a list; they’re checking it twice, with an absolute next-level set of expectations. They’re looking for experiences that mirror their own unique identities. In a …

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eryn loria von mack with giraffe

Shining Bright: Team Von Mack’s Eryn Loria Wins PRSA Spotlight Award

Here at Von Mack, we call Eryn Loria many things: “Content Marketing Specialist Extraordinaire,” our resident “Ray of Sunshine,” company DJ, and “Marketing Maven,” just to name a few. We can now add “Rising Star” to the list.   On November 16th, 2023, Eryn earned the prestigious Rising Star Individual Award of Excellence from the Public Relations Society of America …

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two girls on bikes

Tourism Marketing in the Midst of Economic Shifts

We get it. Economic downturns can be daunting, especially for industries like tourism, which is reliant on discretionary spending. When budgets are tight, spending gets tighter. And for the tourism sector, this means fewer bookings, reduced foot traffic, and potentially lower revenue. But it’s not all doom and gloom. With the right outlook, a solid strategy and a sound mind, …

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dinosaur with megaphone wearing suspenders

Beyond the Hype: Why Tourism Conversion Funnels Are Far from Extinct

Tourism marketing is a unique beast. Yes, it can be tricky. But fortunately, the journey from dreamer to explorer is a tale as old as time. All your strategy needs to do is meet folks right where they are in the process. Cue “marketing funnels.” And despite what the Tiktok “gurus” have to say, funnels are not dead, elusive, or …

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email marketing for tourism

Email Marketing Magic for Tourism: How to Use Promo Codes, Timing, and Segmentation to Drive Sales

When the economic climate gets tough, tourism marketing campaigns should be clever. And there’s a tool for that right at your disposal.. it’s an oldie, but a goodie. And when wielded correctly, it can serve as a compass guiding travelers straight to your door. It’s called “email marketing” and there’s a reason it’s making a comeback. (Pssst…  it never left.) …

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von mack social media blog

See How Team Von Mack’s Gen Z Strategists Make Engagement Look Easy

Engagement what? Team Von Mack’s content strategists reveal Gen Z’s best-kept secrets.  This post is brought to you by our dynamic and super-talented agency additions. Let’s make an introduction, shall we? Meet Eryn As a Communications/PR graduate of Loyola University of New Orleans, Eryn brings lots of experience marketing work to the table – including roles at The New Orleans …

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Ready, Set, BLOG! Writing Your Way to More Tourism Sales

If you’ve been browsing the interwebs lately, you might have noticed the growing number of companies turned bloggers. And if you haven’t, you’re most likely existing under a rock. What is all the fuss about blogs anyway? And does your company need one? Depending on the era from which you spawned, you might be all too familiar with the 2000s …

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international women's day 2023

Today We Celebrate Women in Tourism. Then, We Make It A Habit.

Do you know what today is? It’s a special one. On this day, we are giving the recognition that has been long overdue to the courageous women of this world – it’s International Women’s Day! Here at Von Mack, we want to give our gratitude to all those fearless women out there who aren’t afraid to push the boundaries and …

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#TourismInFocus 2023

Putting 2022 into Perspective, Our Year of #TourismInFocus

Tourism’s year of the GOAT is almost over, and you guys… it’s been huge. Here at Von Mack, 2022 brought our team new change, new challenges, and even some new people! Across the industry, we saw the widespread adaption of vertical video, in-person events, and a togetherness like never before. Let’s take a trip down memory lane through this absolute …

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