When the economic climate gets tough, tourism marketing campaigns should be clever.
And there’s a tool for that right at your disposal.. it’s an oldie, but a goodie. And when wielded correctly, it can serve as a compass guiding travelers straight to your door.
It’s called “email marketing” and there’s a reason it’s making a comeback. (Pssst… it never left.)
So get ready, because we’re here to talk standing out, calling directly to your audience, and achieving a bit more magic than you thought possible.
The Power of Promo Codes
Promo codes are more than just enticing offers; they’re strategic tools. By understanding the psychology of discounts, you can drive immediate action. Remember – whether it’s an event-themed code or a special group offer, the right name can amplify its impact.
- Selling Savings: Who doesn’t love a bargain? Research shows that discounts can drive action. We’re all drawn to saving money, and in the tourism game, savings translate to one more cocktail on the beach or an extra souvenir.
- What to Call Your Promo: Think EARLYBIRD or SUMMERFUN, but make it tie in contextually with your brand. Think: Urgent yet relatable. Promo codes that resonate with your tourism brand and connect to a specific time or event can make the user feel seen and understood.
- Event Power, Group Themes: A great level-up is to tie your promo code into a theme or event that works well for a group excursion, like an upcoming bachelorette trip or holiday gathering. Themes make the codes catchy and help folks brainstorm “what to do” for special occasions. You can create an entire #MOOD around a code, making it more than just a discount but a whole experience!

Timing is Everything – When and How Often to Send
The secret to a spellbinding email? It’s all about the “when.” Understanding the science of open rates can help you determine the best days to send out your campaigns.
Keep in mind not to be bothersome and think about how often you’d like to send out your message. Key techniques like audience segmentation can help you strike a balance between being engaging and being that troll that overwhelms your subscribers. (Don’t be a troll.)
- Science of Open Rates: Sending your emails on the right days at the right times can boost your open rates.
- Best Days: Per Hubspot, mid-week’s the charm, specifically Tuesday around mid-morning. However, be sure to test! Ecommerce emails tend to get great click-to-open rates on Mondays and Fridays at 7 AM, 10 AM, and 5-6 PM.
- Audience Heat: Understanding the temperature of your audience, whether they’re hot leads or just browsing, can make your emails sizzle or fizzle. If your list is just lukewarm, best be sure to send sooner than later, and don’t send that initial “hello” on a weekend.
Audience Segmentation: Getting Sales vs. Garnering Audiences
Let’s talk segmentation.. For instance, differentiating between your brand’s “fans” and general subscribers can be crucial. Your die-hard fans may want the latest offerings and hottest deals, while general subscribers might be looking for broader content.
Here’s what to do:
- Tailor Your Content: Segmenting your audience and catering to their interests can make your email campaigns for tourism resonate louder. Tell them the story they’ve been dying to hear.
- Mailchimp Magic: Think of Mailchimp or Drip campaigns like digital travel guides leading email readers just where you want them to go. Start with meaty content, packed with insight, emotion, and a great deal. If they click around a lot and do not convert, follow up with something meatier.
The Art of Visual Storytelling in Emails
Visuals aren’t just embellishments; they’re the soul of your email. They resonate, captivate, and evoke emotions. Whether or not to include them is a non-negotiable.
To work their wizardry, they must speak the language of wanderlust and adventure. They should capture the essence, the vibe, the very soul of your travel experience.
Above all, make sure they tug at heartstrings with emotional pull.

Skimmability: Making Emails Snappy and Engaging
They skim; you cater. In our fast-scrolling world, making content easily digestible is paramount. It’s all about making it easy.
- Mobile-First: Because phones aren’t just for those selfies. Over half of emails are read on mobile, so your email campaigns for tourism need to look fabulous on the small screen.
- Headlines and Bullet Points: Key messages? Caught, not missed! Structure your emails to ensure that skimming eyes still catch the vital info.
Driving Traffic Back to Your Website
An email’s enchantment doesn’t end with a click. It’s about guiding the traveler back to your digital realm and ensuring they embark on a memorable journey (to your actual business).
- The C.T.A.: Each email should lead readers back to your website. This is the place where engagement leads to sales. Point. Them. There.
- Brewing Up Click Desire: Entice with words, dazzle with images, simplify with design – this is golden in making audiences actually want to click.
- No Bouncing Allowed: Make sure to get the booking platform right before you wave that promo code wand. A smooth booking process can turn a curious clicker into a committed customer. A clunky one is a bounce-out.
Marrying Email with Social Media
Don’t underestimate the power of tying your emails in with your social community. Just sprinkle in a little forethought and you’ll be sure to build passive audiences into action-based lookie-loos.
- Social Buttons: Meet your email’s new best friends. By connecting your social media within your emails, you’re opening new channels of engagement. And as we know, engagement leads to sales.
- Sharing Power: “Share this deal with friends!” It’s not just a phrase; it’s a game-changer. Encourage sharing and watch your reach grow.
- User-Generated Content: Authenticity? Check. Community? Check. Feature those selfies, landscapes, and moments from your audience in your email content to build trust and enthusiasm. (And don’t worry, people love a good shout-out. Just be sure to give them credit!)

Mastering the Email Funnel
Understanding your email funnel is crucial. It is the map to your treasure!
And no, funnels are not dead. Sheesh.
So let’s say the magic words, “Awareness, interest, decision, action.” Make it a chant. Do a lil’ dance if necessary. Just make sure to know them by heart because they’re the journey that your audience takes to a sale.
Love Spell Pro Tip: While emails are digital, your customers are not robots. Personalization can turn a general email into a personal invitation. And everyone loves feeling special.
Meta Campaigns: Targeting Engaged Audiences
Meta what?
How cool would it be to turn those hyper-personalized eblasts into hyper-personal social campaigns?
Honey, the future is now. Pop right into your email software, drill down the list of most interested recipients, and then pop that right into Meta to follow up with social media campaigns.
And you don’t have to stop with Zuckerberg.
Here at The Von Mack Agency, we take these principles and turn them into integrated campaigns for tourism that drive sales and build brands. Think: guerilla marketing, collaborative takeovers, and more.
Remember that chant and develop your campaign across the mediums that work for your tourism business.
Crafting a captivating email marketing campaign for tourism is an art AND science.
With the right strategies, tools, and perhaps just a tiny a sprinkle of magic, success is just an email away. Don’t forget, whenever you need a guiding star, #TeamVonMack is here to illuminate your path.
We’re always happy to chat shop.